Planning & Zoning
The Planning & Zoning Commission reviews proposed amendments to zoning ordinances, site plans and plat applications, and also makes recommendations to the Council regarding the current and future development of the City of Overbrook, Kansas.
Interested in being a Planning and Zoning Board member? Contact City Hall at 785-665-7328.
Current Board Members
Chair: Berrigan Willmott
Tara Hollar
Jerry Gibbs
Calvin Young
Zoning Questions
Contact City Clerk
Planning and Zoning Fees and Rates
Development Plan Review - $150
Preliminary Plat Review - $100
Final Play Review - $50
Building Permit - Residential - $.05 per square foot with a minimum fee of $25 and a maximum fee of $500
Commercial - $.10 per square foot with a minimum of $50 and a maximum fee of $1000
Fence Permit - $50
Conditional Use Permit - $200
Rezoning Request - $200
Variance - $100
Appeals - $200
Sign Permit - $25/sign
No Demolition Permit Required
Call before you dig! Don't forget to call Dig Safe at 811 or 1-800-DIG-SAFE (800-344-7233).

Town Plat from 1949