Here is some information on the organizations we have have in Overbrook, KS. If you know of any other organizations or know more information about the ones listed, please give us a call and we will get it updated.
Overbrook Community Foundation
Our mission and meeting times:
The Overbrook Community Foundation is dedicated to maintaining and improving a healthy community by supporting local non-profit clubs and organizations through donor contributions. OCF meets on the third Thursday of the month (excluding holiday weeks) at 4:30 pm at the Overbrook Public Library.
Overbrook Community Foundation 4K.mp4 from Gabriel Butel on Vimeo.
Contact Info
American Legion Post #239
Boy Scouts
(785) 766-0615
Community Betterment
Ronda Grace
(785) 383-2728
Girl Scouts
Hobby Club
Letha Smith
(785) 665-7401
Michigan Valley 4-H Club
Dewayne Schoepflin
North Osage 4-H Club
Hope Koger - (785) 217-7388
Jamie Guenther - (785) 608-9024
Overbrook EMS
Overbrook Historical Society
Pam O'Bryhim
(518) 569-7408
Overbrook Library Friends
Overbrook PRIDE
Stacey Herrick
(785) 633-2954
Overbrook Senior Citizens
Ridgeway Lodge
Randal Durbin
Visit Website
Nancy Durban
(785) 453-2185
Tennis Association
Scott Averill
Thimble Club
Eleanor Baldwin
Mary Anderson
(785) 806-5613