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NOTICE - Smoke Testing Sewer Lines



Testing will be done from 5th Street South 

The City of Overbrook is conducting a smoke test of the

sanitary sewer system, with assistance of Kansas Rural Water Association, to find defects that could affect the treatment and collections systems operations

The smoke testing will begin on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 8:30AM (weather permitting)

"Smoke Testing" will assist in finding breaks and defects in the sewer system. You may see smoke coming from sewer vents on buildings, from the ground and other areas.

The smoke is non-toxic, non-staining has no odor is white in color.

The smoke should not enter your home or buildings unless you have defective plumbing or dry drain traps. It is advisable to pour at least a quart of water down each drain that is not regularly used just prior to the smoke test.

If smoke does enter your home please advise the smoke test survey crew or call City Hall at 785-665-7328

Important!!  Even though the smoke is non-toxic, individuals with respiratory problems should leave the home if smoke enters to prevent any distress.